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- This Must Be the Place
- When the Expected Does the Unexpected
- There is a Great Day Coming!
- In The Meantime
- Supper in the Upper Room
- No Drifting, Please!
- Walking Straight in a Crooked World
- A Faithful Witness for the Lord Jesus
- He Used What He Had
- The Mole Has Been Marked Out
- Anointed for Service
- Sheep and Goats
- Let's Give a Good Account
- While We Watch
- The Steadfastness of Stephen
- The Absolute Assurance of His Return
- A Sermon That Will Get You Killed
- Just One More Night
- The Questions Concerning Christ
- The Ultimate Prayer Guide for the Church
- With Christ It All Makes Sense
- The King and His Invitation
- When a Nation Forgets God
- The Absolute Essentials
- When Jesus Stopped by the House of God
- The Loving Father
- The King is Coming
- When Blindness Meets Light
- Preeminence in the Kingdom
- What Did I Leave Behind?
- The Attributes of a Godly Woman
- A Faith That Could Not Be Trusted
- We Did Not Expect It There!
- Come and Meet the Man with the Answers!
- But We See Jesus (preached at the Lake Church 4/14/24)
- Vacancy in the Grave
- Sunday Morning Message By Rev. John Jones
- Going on a Little Trip
- Whether I Live, or Whether I Die
- Rewards for Faithfulness
- Impossibilities Made Possible
- Tried, Tested and Triumphant
- The Call of God to Preach
- The Touch of a Desperate Woman
- There is No Other Hope
- What are These Things?
- Dead Folks Walking
- Faith
- The Son, the Star, and the Search
- A Christmas Sermon
- The Forgotten Man of Christmas
- When Heaven Crashes Earth's Party
- Jesus: The Permanent and Sufficient Sacrifice
- We Give Thanks!
- Discipline and Forgiveness
- Mountaintop Experiences and Dangerous Pitfalls
- He Paid the Price
- A Walk in the Word
- Harvest Day Message 2023
- What can the Saints learn from the Servant?
- Rescue the Perishing (Revival)
- The Discipline of a Disciple
- An Introduction to the Gospel
- Jesus Christ the Builder
- Wonder and Amazement of Jesus
- Come to the One Who can Help
- The Traditions of Men Against the Truth of God
- Discipled Under the Hand of Jesus
- The Care and Compassion of Jesus Christ
- The Delirious Behavior of a Mad Man
- I Thought
- A Special Worship Service
- The Similarity and Superiority of Jesus
- The Substitute
- Glimpses of the Kingdom
- The Malicious Planter
- The Family of God
- It the truth won't help you, a sign won't either
- A Terrible Choice
- Jesus is Lord of All
- It Doesn't Stop at the City Limits
- The Manifestation of a Mother: Rebekah
- In a Season of Doubt
- Confession is Good for the Soul
- Faithful Christian Living
- You are as close to God as you want to be
- The Resurrection Brings Life
- Longing for Revival
- Jesus Makes a Difference
- Let's Go Down to the Jordan!
- The Cure in the Current
- The Times of Our Lives
- Go Ahead and Set the Table
- In The Presence of The Lord's Table
- There's Death in the Pot
- Love: God's Way
- Make Room For God
- Oh Lord, Fill this Vessel!
- The Power of Faith
- Passing the Baton, Picking up the Mantle
- From a Plow Boy to a Prophet
- Jesus' appearance at the Temple
- Observations of the Incarnation (no sound from about 11:05-20:06)
- A Pregnancy Packed with Promises
- An Encounter with God
- A message from Jude 20
- Walking, Watching and Working
- A Grateful Convert
- The Cost of Discipleship
- On the Road with Jesus
- When the Lord Makes a House Call
- The Healing Thoughts of Jesus
- The Healing Hand of Jesus
- But We See Jesus (Hebrews 2:9)
- Trouble Ahead - A Lesson on Prophecy
- When Jesus is in the House
- Longing for Revival
- From a Vagabond to a Victor
- The Solid Foundation of Christ
- The Choice for Life
- When There is a Disregard for the Holy Things
- Use Your Best Judgement
- The Useless Exercise of Worry
- Living for Christ in a flesh filled world
- The Doorkeeper of Eternity
- Table Manners
- Purposeful Praying
- Motivations and Maneuvers
- Kingdom Living in an Evil Age
- Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Prophecy Conference - AM Service
- There is a Problem of the Heart
- Pass the Salt and Turn on the Light
- The Be-Attitudes
- On the Team with Jesus
- The Proper Way to Deal with Temptation
- Into the Water, By Faith
- Wonder and Amazement in the Wilderness
- It's Up Above My Head
- O Glorious Resurrection
- The Triumphal Entry
- A Psalm of Praise
- When the Preacher is Pouting
- Man on a Mission: Take Two
- A Near Death Experience
- I Have a Job for You
- From Evil Desiring to Edifying the Body
- Jesus Conquers Death and Decay in the Graveyard
- Enduring with Great Expectation
- Suffering for Jesus' Sake
- So That Others May Hear
- Some First Steps for the New Year
- You Do Not Have To Fear
- Fear Displaced by Faith
- Two Intertwined Miracles
- When an Outcast Meets the Master
- The Call to Serve the Lord
- While We Wait
- Because He is Coming
- Harvest Time is Coming!
- Anticipating the Day of the Lord
- Living in the Hope of the Rapture!
- Living in Light of the Rapture
- When A Pastor Loves His Church
- 07_sept_5_sermon.mp3
- 06_the_futility_of_labor_without_the_lord.mp3
- 07_a_healthy_church.mp3
- 08_dont_throw_the_baby_out_with_the_bathwater.mp3
- 07_the_wrath_of_god.mp3
- 07_the_makings_of_a_great_church.mp3
- vbs_wrap_up.mp4
- 05_i_am_not_ashamed_sermon.mp3
- 07_our_god_is_a_consuming_fire.mp3
- 08_evidence_that_demands_a_verdict.mp3
- bereavement_at_bethany.mp3
- 06_sermon_6_27_21.mp3
- 08_a_godly_man.mp3
- 08_a_voyage_in_the_dark.mp3
- 08_the_great_bread_stretcher.mp3
- 07_paralysis_purged_at_the_pool.mp3
- 07_may_23_2021.mp3
- 07_a_mothers_wise_words.mp3
- 07_2021_but_we_see_jesus.mp3
- 07_choosing_the_path_of_life.mp3
- 07_when_jesus_is_in_the_house.mp3
- 09_things_that_changed_eternity.mp3
- 06_one_way_or_another.mp3
- 07_hebrews_6.mp3
- 06_the_church_at_laodecia.mp3
- 06_the_feeble_church__philadelphia.mp3
- 06_the_church_at_sardis.mp3
- 06_the_church_at_thyatira_the_corrupted_church.mp3
- 06_the_compromising_church_rev_2.mp3
- 06_the_persecuted_church.mp3
- 06_when_things_are_good_but_they_should_be_great.mp3
- 06_1_24_21_sermon.mp3
- 06_sermon_jan_17_2021.mp3
- 05_suited_up_and_ready_to_go.mp3
- 06_jan_3_2021.mp3
- 06_the_shepherds_example.mp3
- 06_christ_in_the_country.mp3
- luke_2.mp3
- 06_christ_before_christmas.mp3
- 06_on_the_jericho_road.mp3
- 07_tragedy_triumph_and_thankfulness.mp3
- 05_parental_authority_and_childlike_submission.mp3
- 06_what_the_future_holds.mp3
- 07_their_differences_make_them_complementary.mp3
- 07_homecoming_2020.mp3
- 07_perversion_gone_wild.mp3
- 07_do_we_still_believe_there_is_a_place_called_hell.mp3
- 06_directions_that_deliver_part_2.mp3
- 05_directions_that_will_deliver.mp3
- 06_some_of_the_saddest_words_in_the_bible.mp3
- 05_how_a_believer_can_pray.mp3
- 06_ephesians_the_treasure_trove_of_gods_riches.mp3
- 06_from_rags_to_riches_ephesians_2_august_30_2020.mp3
- 05_getting_a_glimpse_of_the_glory_of_god_matthew_17.mp3
- 07_what_makes_you_glad_.mp3
- august_14_2020.mp3
- august_9_2020.mp3
- july_26_2020.mp3
- july_17_2020.mp3
- july_5_2020.mp3
- june_21_2020.mp3
- june_14_2020.mp3
- june_5_2020.mp3
- may_31_2020.mp3
- may_24_2020.mp3
- may_15_2020.mp3
- may_10_2020.mp3
- may_1_2020.mp3
- tribulation_days.mp3
- 01_on_the_road_with_jesus.mp3
- easter_sunday_message_2020.mp3
- his_life_for_mine.mp3
- 01_he_went_a_little_further.mp3
- devotion_to_christ_or_deception_in_the_church.mp3
- 01_fears_favor_and_faithfulness.mp3
- 01_miracles.mp3
- 01_a_church_in_adversity.mp3
- 01_the_conversion_of_saul.mp3
- 01_another_divine_appointment.mp3
- 01_be_honest_in_prayer.mp3
- 01_are_these_things_so.mp3
- 01_standing_in_the_crosshairs.mp3
- 01_service_suffering_and_substitution.mp3
- 01_living_among_the_lost.mp3
- 01_longing_for_revival_1_5_20.mp3
- 01_lets_go_to_worship.mp3
- 01_joseph_an_intergal_part_of_gods_plan_dec_22_2019.mp3
- 01_hope_prevails_over_darkness_dec_15_2019.mp3
- 01_the_silence_is_broken_12_8_19.mp3
- 01_one_holy_change_dec_1_2019.mp3
- 01_job_description_and_duties_of_a_christian.mp3
- 01_trash_trinkets_and_a_stone.mp3
- 01_you_may_not_know_what_you_have_11_3_19.mp3
- 01_souls_hang_in_the_balance_-_10_27_19.mp3
- 01_giving_to_god_10_20_19.mp3
- 01_a_new_baby_has_been_born_lets_celebrate_10_13_19.mp3
- 01_newitt_norris_10_6_19.mp3
- 01_joshua_west_september_29_2019.mp3
- 01_from_foot_in_mouth_to_power_with_a_pen.mp3
- 01_nurture_your_faith_dont_neglect_it.mp3
- 01_what_you_experience_in_a_local_church.mp3
- 01_the_propagation_of_the_church.mp3
- 01_the_preparation_for_the_church.mp3
- 01_when_the_church_is_hurting.mp3
- 01_preaching_in_a_pagan_society.mp3
- 01_serving_the_lord_with_gladness.mp3
- 01_a_light_supper_but_a_full_helping.mp3
- 01_a_watchmans_importance.mp3
- 01_when_one_is_apprehended_by_god.mp3
- 01_o_nation_in_despair.mp3
- 01_he_must_needs_go_through_samaria.mp3
- 01_a_father_on_a_mission.mp3
- 01_encouragement_in_some_uncertain_times.mp3
- 01_voices_from_the_crowd_are_not_as_trusted_as_the_word_of_god.mp3
- 01_the_lords_building_code.mp3
- 01_in_the_home_of_a_believer.mp3
- 01_you_cannot_enter_in_unbelief.mp3
- 01_choices.mp3
- 01_set_free_by_the_resurrection.mp3
- 01_seven_sayings_from_the_cross.mp3
- 01_give_me_boldness.mp3
- 01_the_obituary_of_a_great_friend.mp3
- 01_prepare_to_meet_thy_god.mp3
- 01_looking_to_the_lamb.mp3
- 01_answers_about_authority.mp3
- 01_giving_and_glory.mp3
- 6-01_racing_and_racers.mp3
- 01_a_message_from_on_high.mp3
- 01_a_city_to_be_won_for_god.mp3
- 01_it_is_visible_by_faith.mp3
- 01_untitled.mp3
- 01_track_01_2.mp3
- 01_o_lord_have_mercy.mp3
- 01_witnesses_of_the_events.mp3
- 01_pondering_the_imponderable.mp3
- 01_luke_2.mp3
- 01_forgotten_in_the_will_of_god.mp3
- 01_shall_i_compromise.mp3
- 01_what_shall_i_render_to_the_lord.mp3
- 01_day_of_discovery.mp3
- 01_untitled_1.mp3
- 01_trust_in_the_lord.mp3
- For God Did Not Send His Son Into the Word to Condemn the World but that the Word Thru Him Might Be Saved
- 01_the_difference_a_day_makes.mp3
- 02_if_you_could_ask_god_for_one.mp3
- 01_for_god_so_loved_the_world.mp3
- 01_a_tale_of_2_destinations___luke_16_19_31.mp3
- 01_a_moraine.mp3
- when_things_change.mp3
- beatings_imprisonment_and_salvation.mp3
- 01_leichter_lernen_mit_hypnose.mp3
- 01_album_newport_folk_festival_196_1.mp3
- 01_morning_meditation.mp3
- come_let_us_worship.mp3
- 01_the_pastor_and_his_priorities.mp3
- 01_how_to_fight_fair_in_your_marriag.mp3
- 4-01_what_if_everyone_witnessed_like.mp3
- consider_this.mp3
- discipline_and_the_disciples.mp3
- 01_raag_jaunpuri.mp3
- 01_gran_culto_de_accion_de_gracia_11.mp3
- 01_focus_on_the_father.mp3
- the_son_channel.mp3
- 01_get_wisdom.mp3
- a_prayer_for_the_church.mp3
- 2-01_the_rebirth_of_a_nation.mp3
- imperfectly_perfect.mp3
- 11-01_reversing_the_financial_curses.mp3
- 6-01_nearness.mp3
- 01_copland__appalachian_spring.mp3
- 01_album_newport_folk_festival_1965.mp3
- wow_what_a_word.mp3
- when_i_see_the_blood.mp3
- consider_the_coming_of_the_king.mp3
- 02_track_02.mp3
- 01_righteousness_of_god_7-4-2010.mp3
- i_have_nothing_else_to_brag_about.mp3
- let_me_show_you_the_door.mp3
- 01_track_01_1.mp3
- 01_march_19_-_12_pm.mp3
- 01_facing_the_giant.mp3
- 01_md044-2.mp3
- i_have_been_blessed_sung_by_johnnah_belle_hobbs_and_family_-mp4.mp4
- conversion_dust_in_the_desert_sermon.mp3
- 4-01_part_3_-_wired_for_the_world.mp3
- 01_the_war.mp3
- 01_shepherds__the_first_evangelists.mp3
- 02_track_02_2.mp3
- 01_worship_with_the_angels_and_mar_1.mp3
- worship_with_the_sages_12_3_17.mp3
- 01_track_01.mp3
- 01_a_personal_walk_with_the_lord.mp3
- 01_america_faaji_series_1.mp3
- 1-01newyearsdaysermon010117.mp3
- 2-01thanksgivingfromprison112716.mp3
- 1-01apreviewofthechurch080215.mp3
- 01rulesforchristianhouseholds051516.mp3
- 01reflectionsforthefourthofjuly070316.mp3
- 01experiencingtheholinessofgodinthepresenceofrebellion073116.mp3
- 01anticipationofthesavior121116.mp3
- 01itstimetobuildthehouse112016.mp3
- 01whenthingsdontgoasplanned102316.mp3
- 01reflectionson9_11091116.mp3
- 1-01thepropheticwitnessofdeliverance090416.mp3
- 01wehopeyouwillcomealong072416.mp3
- 01propheticwarningsofdanger082816.mp3
- 01butweseejesus071416.mp3
- 01anewcovenantoutoftheold071016.mp3
- 2-01reflectionsandsuggestions061916.mp3
- 01thewordthatiswonderful062616.mp3
- 01wisewordsforajourney060516.mp3
- 01gratitudegracegumption052916.mp3
- vbsproject2016.mp4
- 01whenalostpersondies052216.mp3
- 16-01wheredowegofromhere_041716.mp3
- 01howdoweliveholy_050116.mp3
- 3-01forgivenessamatteroftheheart030616.mp3
- 01whatdoesthefuturehold031316.mp3
- 01consideryourways022816.mp3
- 01thebelieversvictory022116.mp3
- 01thisisnotagame013116.mp3
- 01thesaviorandthestenchofdeath101115_1.mp3
- 01thesaviorandthestenchofdeath101115.mp3
- 01preciousthoughtsforaproductivenewyear010316.mp3
- 01_the_unseen_becomes_seen_121315.mp3
- 01_from_desolation_to_restoration_120615.mp3
- 01_longing_for_home_102515.mp3
- 01_a_preview_of_the_church_080215.mp3
- 01_the_perils_pitfalls_and_pulls_of_alcohol_090615.mp3
- 01_walking_through_a_broken_world_082315.mp3
- 01_glorifying_god_080915.mp3
- 01_when_jesus_visits_the_graveyard_081615.mp3
- 01_war_in_the_church_071915.mp3
- 01_remembering_a_table_spread_062815.mp3
- 01_heaven_071215.mp3
- 01_psalm_123_070515.mp3
- 01_when_flesh_triumphs_over_faith_061415.mp3
- 01_lost_and_found_051715.mp3
- 1-01_the_great_exchange_052415.mp3
- 01_empty_vessels_bountiful_provision_051015.mp3
- 01_the_parable_of_the_lost_coin_050315.mp3
- 1-01_the_searching_shepherd_042615.mp3
- 01_when_god_says_water_it_down_041915.mp3
- 1-01_staying_out_of_satans_woodshed_030115.mp3
- 01_lets_open_our_eyes_030815.mp3
- 01_from_emptiness_to_fullness_040515.mp3
- 02_victory_value_and_vindication_021515.mp3
- 01_noah_a_man_who_lived_by_faith_020815.mp3
- 01_setting_the_stage_for_supper_020115.mp3
- 1-01_a_word_from_heaven_to_a_faithful_man_121414.mp3
- 01_the_ugliness_of_sins_commital_011115.mp3
- 01_getting_near_to_god_010415.mp3
- 01_almost_home_112314.mp3
- 01_a_cure_for_blindness_120714.mp3
- 2-01_projects_prophets_and_posterity_072113.mp3
- 01_why_the_law_092312.mp3
- 01_so_youre_going_to_work_your_way_to_heaven_090212.mp3
- 01_not_a_religion_but_a_relationship_081212.mp3
- 01_healing_hearing_and_heeding_072813.mp3
- 01_heading_for_glory_110412.mp3
- 01_dont_go_back_081912.mp3
- 01_desperate_measures_for_desperate_times_022612.mp3
- 01_danger_of_drifting_111112.mp3
- 01_new_possessions_of_a_believer_110214.mp3
- 01_almost_persuaded_111614.mp3
- 01_when_the_party_is_over_072014.mp3
- 01_what_can_stop_jesus_070614.mp3
- 01_the_table_setter_071314.mp3
- 01_manipulation_mayhem_and_a_miracle_072714.mp3
- 3-01_when_things_dont_go_as_planned_050414.mp3
- 2-01_praise_the_lord_092114.mp3
- 01_when_brokeness_turns_to_blessing_081714.mp3
- 01_what_to_do_in_the_meantime_031713.mp3
- 01_the_source_of_our_sin_021713.mp3
- 01_the_man_who_crucified_christ_030412.mp3
- 01_the_70th_week_083114.mp3
- 01_suffering_as_servants_091414.mp3
- 01_living_in_grace_022413.mp3
- 01_into_the_fire_060114.mp3
- 01_track_1_.mp3
- 01_pride_and_arrogance.mp3
- the_battle_for_souls.mp3
- 01_isaiah_53-3-6.mp3
- what_it_all_boils_down_to_eccl.mp3
- vbs_2014.mp4
- the_invitation_luke_14_16_24.mp3
- the_arrival_of_a_savior_luke_2_1_14.mp3
- the_announcement_of_a_savior_luke_1_26_33.mp3
- the_adoration_of_the_christ_child_luke_2_15_20.mp3
- rescue_the_perishing_genesis_14.mp3
- genesis_19.mp3
- bring_back_our_joy_psalm_126.mp3
- a_bad_attitude_luke15_25_32.mp3
- 01_youve_got_a_call_-_isaiah_55.mp3
- 01_where_is_the_church_today__acts_9__31.mp3
- 01_when_we_see_christ_in_rapture_1_thess_4_13_18.mp3
- 01_when_we_see_christ_in_judgement_1_cor_3__10__15.mp3
- 01_when_we_see_christ_in_glory_rev_5.mp3
- 01_when_god_gives_a_message_part_2.mp3
- 01_what_the_bible_says_about_alcohol_proverbs_20-1.mp3
- 01_war_in_the_universe_genesis_3.mp3
- 01_track_1_9.mp3
- 01_track_1_8.mp3
- 01_track_1_7.mp3
- 01_track_1_6.mp3
- 01_track_1_5.mp3
- 01_track_1_4.mp3
- 01_track_1_3.mp3
- 01_track_1_2.mp3
- 01_track_1_10.mp3
- 01_track_1_1.mp3
- 01_track_1.mp3
- 01_the_lordship_of_christ_luke_5.mp3
- 01_supplies_and_service_psalm_119_verses_129-138.mp3
- 01_some_tools_for_revival_psalm_119_145_152.mp3
- 01_seduction_in_sodom__genesis_19__12__29.mp3
- 01_righteousness_psalm_119_verses_137-144_march_23_2014.mp3
- 01_portions_given_to_the_believer_psalm_119_129-136.mp3
- 01_obadiah_1-9_choices_directions_and_spiritual_bankruptcy.mp3
- 01_judgement_looms_ahead_genesis_19_1_13.mp3
- 01_in_everything_give_thanks_1_thess_5_18.mp3
- 01_a_word_to_the_wise_psalm_119-_113-120.mp3
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